Using a credit card to order an Amish Gazebo

Ordering Information

How We Operate

Amish Wholesale Gazebos, LLC (AWG) is committed to a simplifying the ordering process and providing timely deliveries.

AWG is able to keep Amish products priced well below other competitors who sell the same products because it has very little to no overhead. We don’t use a dealer so we use email instead of a salesperson for communication with our customers.

IF you have ANY questions please contact AWG at: or use our contact form and we will try to assist the best way possible.

When Ordering

The ordering process is fairly self explanatory and easy to maneuver through. Any questions about certain product adjustments or modifications that are not on our website can be directed through email at:

After you have determined what product you are purchasing, have decided all the different variables your product offers and the product is paid in full, AWG will confirm what you ordered via email and all the details.

For an additional cost, depending on whether you need certified or shop drawing, they will be provided at customer’s request. Please review them and provide us feedback. AWG will revise them in accordance to your needs. Your product will NOT be put into the assembly line until you notify us that you are satisfied with the plans.

Next, your order will be put in the manufacturing line for processing and determining when the order is made. Wholesale orders are made in the order payment is received the same as dealers orders. Because each order is different all orders must be put in the line as they were processed. When AWG receives confirmation your product is being assembled we will notify you the eta for shipping. This would be a good time start planning for delivery.

AWG will let you know when your product leaves the manufacturer and which shipping company it has been shipped with as well as their contact information. 

Want to hear more?

Send us a message through the contact form.

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